News and Updates

June 18, 2020

Drew CBEA COVID-19 Current Standing

The Drew CBEA has released a report looking at the current status of the SLWA economy in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes data collections as well as illustrations on local mobility and forecasts.

Drew CBEA COVID-19 Current Standing - 6.18.2020

April 9, 2020

Drew CBEA Work From Home Analysis

The Drew CBEA took a deeper dive into the recently released paper, “How Many Jobs Can be Done at Home?” by Dingel and Neiman at the University of Chicago. Looking at our MSA, we see that Lake Charles does not have an economy that is structured to transition quickly to at-home work. This document provides a quick overview and figures relating to our state and MSA.

Drew CBEA COVID-19 Work from Home - 4.9.2020

March 27, 2020

Drew CBEA COVID-19 Individual Tax Rebate Analysis

The Drew CBEA estimated the amount of individual tax rebates that will go to each parish in our region. These rebates are coming from the CARES Act which was passed by the House and signed by the president today.

As more data becomes available, we will put out more briefs relating to the economy and the response to this event.

If you are a business owner, please fill out the survey from the SWLA Alliance.

If you have any questions, please contact the Drew CBEA.

Drew CBEA COVID-19 Tax Rebates - 3.27.2020

March 19, 2020

First Drew CBEA COVID-19 Analysis

The first analysis of the COVID-19 effects on the local economy is posted below.

As more data becomes available, we will put out more briefs relating to the economy and the response to this event.

If you are a business owner, please fill out the survey from the SWLA Alliance.

If you have any questions, please contact the Drew CBEA.

Drew CBEA COVID-19 - 3.19.2020

February 10, 2020

First Drew CBEA Quarterly Report Now Available

The first quarterly report from the Drew CBEA is now available at our Quarterly Reports page.

This report includes data for the Lake Charles MSA and each of the five parishes up until the 4th quarter of 2019. All data used to produce the report is available here at the Drew CBEA website.

The economic topic at the end of the report concerns forecasts of the SWLA economy as well as the preliminary results from the Drew CBEA forecasting model.

We hope you enjoy the report and feel free to contact the Drew CBEA with any feedback or concerns especially since this is our first release.